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About me

Dan Mojica Alternative Cropped.png

Who I am

I have been working as a certified massage therapist for over 15 years. In that time I've enjoyed helping my clients achieve relief from stress and physical discomfort. Massage provides more than just relaxation, it can help anyone achieve functionally necessary and lasting whole-body improvements. 

My favorite aspect of the work is seeing a smile of amazement at the end of a session—my clients can't believe how much better they feel both in terms of lower stress and improved physical function. 

What I can do for you

I enjoy learning new and specialized massage techniques tailored to providing you with the best possible experience. During each session, I'll regularly check in on your comfort level—it is very important to me that you're receiving adequate pressure in the right places but not experiencing any pain. Additionally, I end many sessions with suggested stretches to help you continue the progress you've made during your massage. 

I am always happy to take on clients with challenging needs, let's discuss how I can help you feel better. 

He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.